What is Smart HTC?
HTC stands for Heat transfer coefficient which is a term to measure the heat loss from the whole building. Heat is lost through the walls, floors, roof, ventilation and unplanned ventilation (called infiltration). Understanding and measuring a building's heat loss is key to us being able to manage and improve the efficiency and reducing energy use of a building. You can't manage what you can't measure and our methods provide accurate readings that can quantify the effects of improving your homes energy saving measures.
The Survey
Up to 5 Temperature and humidity sensors are placed around your property taking a reading every 10 minutes. Data from a smart thermostat can also be used.
Software is used to link to your smart meter and opening readings are taken.
Room sizes and a floor plan is drawn up to determine floor area and windows are measured.
Heating type and boiler/heat pump model are noted along with key electrical appliances that form the bulk of energy use.
A Thermal camera is used to take photos of the exterior and interior to identify cold spots, draughts, poor insulation or gaps in the insulation.
After 3 weeks the data collected is loaded into a sophisticated algorithm along with meter data, exterior measurements, floor area, window size, orientation and building composition.
The results give a heat loss coefficient expressed as watts per kelvin. Put simply it is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of your home 1 degree C above the outside temperature. This figure is then divided by the floor area to give a heat loss parameter (HLP) figure that is comparable across buildings.
Backed by 10 years of academic and real world research, smart HTC calculations are the most accurate and realistic way to measure building performance while it is occupied. For more information on our methods please view the video below.
Example Pricing
Note these prices can vary by property. For business or commercial, please get in touch for a quote.